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Certificate of Deposit

Certificate Accounts

Get the higher savings returns you deserve – safely and securely
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Watch Your Money Grow

Effective Date as of 03/06/2025

24-Month Certificate


% APY*

as high as

Fall into our Certificate Specials that earn up to 5.00% APY.

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It’s easy to open a savings account once you become a PFCU member.

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Certificate Accounts

Security, higher returns, and options that fit your timeline

If you don’t need access to your savings account for a while, leave the money in your account and watch your nest egg grow. Generally, the longer you keep the money in your account, the higher rate you can earn. 

  • $1,000 minimum to open
  • Dividend paid monthly
  • Variety of terms (6 to 24 months) and rates
  • Automatically renews upon maturity
  • Penalty for early withdrawal
  • Federally insured up to $250,000 by NCUA

If you want to learn more about how a Certificate works, check out our short video:
(Click Here for video with Spanish captions)


AccountDividend rateAPY*Additional Info
6-Month Certificate2.227%2.25%$1,000 minimum to open
12-Month Certificate2.765%2.80%$1,000 minimum to open
18-Month Certificate2.911%2.95%$1,000 minimum to open
24-Month Certificate3.008%3.05%$1,000 minimum to open

Frequently Asked Questions

At Providence Federal Credit Union we offer a variety of different term options with great rates of return:

  • 6 Month Certificate
  • 12 Month Certificate
  • 18 Month Certificate
  • 24 Month Certificate

For more information, visit our Certificates Page.

Yes, we do. Providence Federal Credit Union is here to help with our Holiday Club Account. Simply stash away a little bit of cash every month and you’ll be a Santa rock star come December. Imagine stress-free holidays and your loved ones getting everything on their wish lists!

For more information, visit our Savings Page and see our current savings account rates on our Rates Page.

Savings accounts are a great way to save money for the future. Unlike saving in a certificate account or IRA, you have access to your money anytime! Providence Federal Credit Union’s savings accounts offer:

  • With a Share Account, you solidify your membership in the credit union and can start taking advantage of the products and services.
  • All it takes is $5.00 to open an account and that gives you one share in the ownership of Providence Federal Credit Union.
  • When you reach a balance of $100.00 in your share, you’ll begin to accumulate monthly dividend payments.

For more information, visit our Savings Page and see our current saving account rates on our Rates Page.

Yes! We offer the following accounts for minors:

  • Cub Account (Newborn to 10 Years Old)
    • Cubby Certificate (Newborn to 10 Years Old)
  • iPlus Kids Savings Account (11 to 12 Years Old)
  • iProsper Teen Account – Savings and Checking (Ages 13 to 17)

See our Kids & Teen Savings Page for more information.

Yes, however, there is a penalty for withdrawing from your certificate account early:

Your Certificate account will mature on the maturity date set forth on your Account Receipt or Renewal Notice. We may impose a penalty if you withdraw any of the principal of your Certificate before the maturity date. (1) Amount of Penalty. The amount of the early withdrawal penalty is 90 days dividends calculated on the balance at the time of withdrawal. (2) How the Penalty Works. The penalty is calculated as a forfeiture of part of the dividends that has been or would be earned at the nominal dividend rate on the account. It applies whether or not the dividends have been earned. In other words, if the account has not yet earned enough dividends or if the dividends have already been paid, the penalty will be deducted from the principal. (3) Exceptions to Early Withdrawal Penalties. At our option, we may pay the account before maturity without imposing an early withdrawal penalty under the following circumstances: When an account owner dies or is determined legally incompetent by a court or other body of competent jurisdiction. Certificate accounts are automatically renewable accounts. Automatically renewable accounts will renew for another term upon maturity. You have a grace period of seven (7) days after maturity in which to withdraw funds in the account without being charged an early withdrawal penalty. Your account is nontransferable and nonnegotiable. The funds in your account may not be pledged to secure any obligation of an owner, except obligations with the Credit Union.

To learn more, or to explore other options, contact us today.

Amber was terrific! Really enjoyed working with her. Everything moved extremely fast! Thanks so much!

barbara g. | Member SINCE 2019
barbara g.

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Connect with a PFCU Member Consultant, by scheduling an appointment, email, or phone.
