As we prepare for our system conversion, it’s important to ensure we have your accurate contact information. Please update through Online or Mobile Banking, by calling us, or by completing the Account Change Form.

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ACH Origination Agreement

Please Read The Following Information Carefully Before Proceeding

ACH Origination Agreement

Please Read The Following Information Carefully Before Proceeding

In order to complete this setup, we will make a small deposit and withdrawal to your account at your other financial institution. When you have verified that the transaction has taken place, enter the amount of that transaction by clicking on the Manage Accounts tab and clicking the Verify link next to the account name.

The verification transaction will take up to 2 to 3 business days to appear on your account. Once the transaction has been processed you will have 45 days to verify the amount.

Authorization agreement for originating credits and debits to another financial institution

I hereby authorize my institution to transfer funds between my accounts at your institution and another financial institution, and if necessary, to make adjustments to any errors. My institution will be responsible for the transfer of funds in accordance with this authorization. Once a transfer is made to another financial institution, my institution will have no further responsibility or liability for the deposit or withdrawal of such funds.

I acknowledge that the origination of ACH transactions to my account must comply with the provisions of U.S. law and that I am authorized to conduct transactions on all accounts involved in the transfer.

I authorize my institution to make a small $0.01 deposit and withdrawal of the same amount, on the same day, to the above listed account.

I understand this agreement is in full force and effect until I delete the above account from my accounts transfer list.

We recommend you print this disclosure and keep it for your records.
