In a perfect world, summer would be a time for children and parents to soak up the sun and enjoy a slower pace. As most of us know, work calendars don’t align with school calendars. Summer camp is a lifesaver for busy households, and costs add up quickly, leaving many families feeling financially burdened.
Amidst juggling work, household chores, and other responsibilities, imparting valuable money lessons can sometimes take a backseat for busy parents. The good news? You have help!
Seeking guidance on different aspects of our life can require vulnerability. Finances are often one of the most private aspects of many of our lives, so reaching out to a financial counselor may feel intimidating, overwhelming, or full of unknowns.
We’re joining forces with our partner, trusted national nonprofit GreenPath Financial Wellness, to spotlight free resources designed to help you deepen your financial capability. “Financial Capability” has been defined by the U.S. Treasury as “the capacity, based on knowledge, skills, and access, to manage financial resources effectively.”
The prevalence of self-care messaging reminds us to nurture our physical and mental well-being—with mindfulness practices, exercise routines, and virtual detoxing. But what about financial self-care?
Are you adapting to the exhaustion and euphoria of a new baby? Or navigating middle school math homework or the terrain of teenagerhood?
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