Your bank account information doesn’t show up on your credit report, nor does it impact your credit score. Yet lenders use information about your checking, savings and assets to determine whether you have the capacity to take on more debt.
There may have been an error with the entered amount on your check. Contact Us or visit a branch so we can correct the error for you. You can also keep tabs on incoming and outgoing funds with Online Banking. Related Information Enroll in free Online Bill Pay where it’s as simple as click, click,…
You do not need to order through our check vendor. However, we highly recommend taking advantage of our partnership with Harland Clarke! Our vendor provides PFCU members with a variety of affordable check options in many different styles. Check out the check catalog online and contact Member Care at 503-215-6090 or 888-849-5189 (toll-free) to make…
A canceled check is a check which has cleared the depositor’s account and therefore marked “canceled” by the depositor’s financial institution. Copies of canceled checks can be used as proof of payment and are accessible for up to 7 years. If you are unable to see the check online or you do not use Online…
You must make a deposit to correct the negative balance. Stop by one of our branches or use our Mobile Deposit service to address the issue. If you have any questions pertaining to the balance on the account, please contact at (503) 215-6090. Now you can make check deposits from your phone! All it…
You can re-order your checks online through our check partner Harland Clarke! You can also contact Member Care at 503-215-6090 or 888-849-5189 (toll-free) to make your first check order.
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