As we prepare for our system conversion, it’s important to ensure we have your accurate contact information. Please update through Online or Mobile Banking, by calling us, or by completing the Account Change Form.

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FAQ Category: Digital Banking Upgrade
  • How to use the Dashboard in Online Banking and Mobile Banking?

    In order to access the dashboard in Online Banking and Mobile Banking, first tap or click on the double arrow icon on the left side of the screen (or the bottom of the screen in the Mobile Banking app). With the dashboard open you have access to five sections: 1: Accounts Use the accounts section…

    Read more…: How to use the Dashboard in Online Banking and Mobile Banking?
  • Will all the alerts I’ve created for my online and mobile accounts still work?

    No. Any previous alerts will have to be set up again with the new eAlert tool. But with this upgrade you will be able to customize more alerts and notifications easier and faster! To set alerts in the new online banking, just go to your profile, and select Settings > Security > My Alerts >…

    Read more…: Will all the alerts I’ve created for my online and mobile accounts still work?
  • Will Internet Explorer be supported?

    Internet Explorer is not supported. You will need to use a recent version (the last two released) of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, or the previous version of Microsoft Edge.

    Read more…: Will Internet Explorer be supported?
  • Can I still deposit checks in the app? 

    Yes, Remote Deposit Capture (mobile deposit) will be in your new mobile banking app.

    Read more…: Can I still deposit checks in the app? 
  • Will I have to re-enter my bill pay information? 

    No, existing payees, payment history, and recurring bill payments will carry over to the new system. Be sure to confirm this transfer once you log in after the upgrade.

    Read more…: Will I have to re-enter my bill pay information? 
  • Where can I find my routing and account numbers?

    The routing number for PFCU is 323075945. It’s the 9-digit number on the bottom of your checks, located on the far left. But you can easily find it at the bottom of every page of our website. There are 3 ways you can find your account number: 1. Online Banking or Mobile Banking 2. Bank…

    Read more…: Where can I find my routing and account numbers?
