As we prepare for our system conversion, it’s important to ensure we have your accurate contact information. Please update through Online or Mobile Banking, by calling us, or by completing the Account Change Form.

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FAQ Category: Digital Banking Upgrade
  • Will I need to reinstall the mobile app?

    Our new and improved mobile banking app is here, as of October 2023. Your process for getting the updated app depends on your phone platform. Review the instructions below, based on your phone platform: Apple (iOS) Users: If you have an Apple iPhone (iOS 14 or higher), the new mobile app will update automatically based…

    Read more…: Will I need to reinstall the mobile app?
  • Will I have to set up all my settings and accounts again?

    You will only need to set up or re-enter information for a couple of services once the upgraded digital banking platform is live:

    Read more…: Will I have to set up all my settings and accounts again?
  • Will I have to change my username and password?

    You can log in with your current username and password.  However, if you are using your member account number to log in, you will be prompted to change your username. This is because we’re applying enhanced authentication technology to protect your data and accounts. Please note that if you haven’t updated your username by November 10,…

    Read more…: Will I have to change my username and password?
  • Will my Member Account Number change with this new upgrade?

    No. Your member number, routing number, checks, bill pay payees, and Debit/Credit Card numbers will all remain the same.

    Read more…: Will my Member Account Number change with this new upgrade?
  • Why are you changing to a new digital banking platform/system?

    We’re always evaluating our services and how we can make them easier and more convenient for our members. We’re updating our online and mobile banking to provide our membership with more features, a new modern design, and enhanced security.

    Read more…: Why are you changing to a new digital banking platform/system?
  • When will the Online Banking and Mobile Banking upgrade happen?

    October 10, 2023. As we prepare for this upgrade, we will communicate relevant information through email, online banking, and our website.

    Read more…: When will the Online Banking and Mobile Banking upgrade happen?
