As we prepare for our system conversion, it’s important to ensure we have your accurate contact information. Please update through Online or Mobile Banking, by calling us, or by completing the Account Change Form.
The merger of a credit union is a significant event that often brings about a wave of change, but one of the most positive outcomes is the retention of all employees. This decision reflects a commitment to staff continuity and stability, which can be incredibly reassuring for the workforce. It means that the employees can…
If you have an account open at each credit union, your PFCU account will move over to CCCU resulting in two separate accounts, which is anticipated to be in June 2025.
The PFCU branch at Providence St. Vincent Medical Center, the ITM at the Providence Portland Medical Center and the branch in San Diego in UDW will remain open. Our doors at the PFCU Administrative Office in Milwaukie, OR will officially close at the end of day Friday, May 30, 2025. Our headquarters will move to…
We are working diligently to make this merger as seamless as possible for our members. While we are still determining if an account change will be needed, it would not be until mid-2025, so please continue to order and/or use PFCU checks as you normally would. If you have unused checks that need to be…
Rest assured, any automatic deposits and withdrawals using your account number will continue to process as usual, with no additional action needed from you.
No, your loan terms will not change and none of our loans will be sold. Members will continue to make payments to the credit union, as normal.
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