As we prepare for our system conversion, it’s important to ensure we have your accurate contact information. Please update through Online or Mobile Banking, by calling us, or by completing the Account Change Form.

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FAQ Category: Merger
  • How will this merger affect me?

    Your PFCU ATM/Debit cards will remain active until May 31, 2025. After this date, and to ensure uninterrupted service, we will issue new cards sometime in May before the conversion date of June 1. We will notify you when your new cards will be arriving and when they will be activated. Rest assured, your account…

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  • Is Consolidated Community Credit Union financially secure?

    Yes, CCCU was ranked in the Top 100 for top-performing credit unions in the United States by S&P Global Market Intelligence. They rank at number 47 overall and number 2 in Oregon for financial stability.

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  • Why partner with Consolidated Community Credit Union?

    CCCU’s alignment with our credit union’s culture is a testament to our shared commitment to member service. Their dedication is reflected in the extensive range of top-notch products and services they offer. What’s more, our collaboration has expanded member access to a vast network of physical branches nationwide, ensuring convenience in financial transactions through CO-OP…

    Read more…: Why partner with Consolidated Community Credit Union?
  • How long has Consolidated Community Credit Union been around?

    CCCU was originally formed by the employees of Consolidated Freightways in 1954. Now they serve over 20,000 members and have over $490 million in assets, serving members in all 50 states.

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  • Who is Consolidated Community Credit Union?

    They are a full-service credit union that was originally chartered in 1954 to serve the employees of Consolidated Freightways.  Today, anyone who lives, works, worships, owns a business, or goes to school in either Multnomah, Washington, Clackamas, Columbia, Hood River, Yamhill, Clark, or Skamania counties is eligible to join CCCU. Potential members across the country…

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  • Why is Providence Federal Credit Union merging with Consolidated Community Credit Union?

    Due to the ever-changing landscape of the financial services market, the Board of Directors and management of both credit unions thought this was the best path to continue meeting the financial needs of our members. Together, our organizations will continue to grow and evolve, helping us market to our community, implement new technologies and provide…

    Read more…: Why is Providence Federal Credit Union merging with Consolidated Community Credit Union?
