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FAQ Category: Money Markets
  • What are the benefits of opening a savings account with PFCU?

    Savings accounts are a great way to save money for the future. Unlike saving in a certificate account or IRA, you have access to your money anytime! Providence Federal Credit Union’s savings accounts offer: For more information, visit our Savings Page and see our current saving account rates on our Rates Page.

    Read more…: What are the benefits of opening a savings account with PFCU?
  • Do you offer Holiday Savings accounts?

    Yes, we do. Providence Federal Credit Union is here to help with our Holiday Club Account. Simply stash away a little bit of cash every month and you’ll be a Santa rock star come December. Imagine stress-free holidays and your loved ones getting everything on their wish lists! For more information, visit our Savings Page…

    Read more…: Do you offer Holiday Savings accounts?
