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FAQ Category: Rates and Fees
  • What is the current interest rate for a savings account?

    We’re always trying to get you the best possible deposit rate, and therefore rates are subject to frequent change. Please find current savings rates on our Rates page. Providence Federal Credit Union offers a variety of savings account to fit all of our members’ needs. Explore our options on our Savings Account page.   Related…

    Read more…: What is the current interest rate for a savings account?
  • What are the current certificate rates?

    We’re always trying to get you the best possible deposit rate, and therefore rates are subject to frequent change. Please find current certificate rates on our Rates page. $1,000 minimum to open Dividend paid monthly Variety of terms (6 to 24 months) and rates Automatically renews upon maturity Penalty for early withdrawal   Related Information…

    Read more…: What are the current certificate rates?
