As we prepare for our system conversion, it’s important to ensure we have your accurate contact information. Please update through Online or Mobile Banking, by calling us, or by completing the Account Change Form.
Yes. SavvyMoney will monitor and send email alerts when there’s been a change to your credit profile.
SavvyMoney makes its best effort to show the most relevant information from a credit report. If you think some of the information is wrong or inaccurate, you can “File a Dispute” with Transunion by clicking on the “Dispute” link within SavvyMoney. If the inaccuracy is verified, Transunion will update your report. We would also suggest…
SavvyMoney uses bank-level encryption and security measures to keep the data safe and secure. Your personal information is never shared with or sold to a third party.
No, SavvyMoney Credit Score is a free service to help you understand your credit health, make improvements in your score, and see loan and credit card offers from PFCU. We don’t have access to your credit files with SavvyMoney unless you choose to share it. If you would like to share, you can easily do…
No. Checking SavvyMoney is a “soft inquiry,” which does not affect a credit score. Lenders use “hard inquiries” to make decisions about creditworthiness when you apply for loans.
There is no cost to you whatsoever for the SavvyMoney credit score services, and no credit card information is required to register.
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