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What is the difference between account balance and available balance?

Your account balance is the total amount of money that is currently in your account, including all funds engaged in holds and pending transactions. 

Your available balance is the total amount of money in your account that is accessible for purchases and withdrawals. This number does not include held or pending funds.

Please note, available balance does not account for checks that have not been cashed or deposits which have yet to post.

Overdraft fees are determined using your available balance.


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Coming up a little short? Try Courtesy Pay!

We’re proud to offer Courtesy Pay protection for your debit card. Let us help you avoid the stress and embarrassment of declined debit card purchases and over-drafted accounts. It’s super simple to add the coverage and there’s no cost to sign up. Plus, you only pay when you use courtesy funds.

Visit our Courtesy Pay page to learn more and sign up today!

